Setting out Junckers sports floors

When and how to start the installation from the middle of the hall

We have found that some installers of our sports floor systems are unclear about when and how to begin laying a Junckers sports floor from the middle of the hall, so this month’s Technical Bulletin explains our recommendations.

Floors Nailed to Battens
Floors that are less than 12 metres wide can be laid by setting out the floor from one side of the hall and continuing across to the other side. However if there is good reason to start from the centre line then that too is fine.

For floors that are 12m wide or more the floor must be started from the centre line using a pair of boards jointed groove-to-groove using Junckers loose tongues as shown in the illustration and in the installation instructions for all our battened sports floor systems. It is important the installation is done in this way to ensure the floor will move equally towards each side of the hall.

Clip System Floors
For Clip system floors of any size the installation must be started from one of the side walls. Clipped sports floors must not be installed using Double Length Clips and loose tongues down the centre line as these clips are not suitable for the loadings and impact that sports floors can be subjected to. Double length Clips are intended for residential and commercial floors. Unlike a nailed floor, a floating Clip system floor will naturally move uniformly towards each side of the hall.

For more information and advice, please contact Richard Aylen, Technical Manager

